

Warren Memorial Wellness 905 2nd Street Friend, NE 68349 402-947-2541 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE A NAGGING QUESTION: SHOULD WOMEN PUSH THEIR MEN TO EXERCISE (AND VICE-VERSA)? (FRIEND, NE May 9, 2012) - Did you know that behind many healthy and physically fit men there may be a nagging woman? That's the finding of a new study from the University of Lincoln in England, which reports that inactive men are more likely to turn to exercise if nagged by their significant others to lead a healthier lifestyle. An earlier study from Surrey University also showed that both men and women are more likely to exercise regularly if urged by their partners. "There are several conclusions that can be drawn from this research," says Matt Scott, a personal trainer at Warren Memorial Wellness in Friend, NE. "First, that some of us need encouragement to start exercising - whether it's nagging or gentle persuasion - and second, that suppor


(LINCOLN, NE November 24, 2011) - Thanksgiving might be over but the holiday season is just beginning, and you know what that means: eating like there’s no tomorrow! The period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s - appropriately named “the binge season” - is notorious for weight gain. Even if you put on only a pound or two each holiday season, you may, according to the National Institutes of Health, carry this extra weight for years to come. “There is some truth to the saying ‘a moment on the lips leads to a lifetime on the hips’,” says Matt Scott, a personal trainer at Lincoln Impact Fitness. “That’s why it is so important to pay attention to what we eat and how we burn the extra calories during this time of the year. This is certainly not the time to become sedentary.” You might think that eating sensibly during the season that is so focused on food and drink is an impossible task. And so is fitting exercise into your hectic schedule. Not so, Scott says. “It’s all comes down


You absolutely can! However, to take full advantage of this powerful technique you need to shift your focus from what happens DURING exercise to what occurs AFTERWARDS! We are talking about EPOC. No, it’s not some strange animal, vegetable or mineral. And it is not a new rock group or a software application either. Simply put, it’s an acronym for Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, which represents the number of additional calories the body will burn after your workout is finished. Why should you care about EPOC? Because it will greatly enhance your workout results and help you achieve your fitness goals quicker and more effectively. If you are one of those people who exercise a lot but don’t lose much (or any) weight, you will definitely benefit from this amazing technique. Ok, but how does it work? You just finished a strenuous workout and this bout of exertion made you a bit breathless. Your respiration rate goes up as your body is replacing oxygen expanded during you


Lincoln Impact Fitness 14850 Old Cheney Road Walton, NE 68461 402-937-8FIT (8348) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LINCOLN PERSONAL TRAINER: EXERCISE WILL EASE PAINFUL JOINTS (LINCOLN, NE September 8, 2011) - Research has shown that regular physical activity can help reduce pain, swelling and stiffness of arthritis. However, a new study suggests that the majority of 46 million arthritis sufferers in the United States are not getting enough - or any - exercise. The just-released findings from Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine show that only 13 percent of men and 8 percent of women afflicted with various forms of arthritis meet federal guidelines of 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity, low-impact activity per week. "Either these people are not aware of benefits of physical activity, or they are afraid it will exacerbate their symptoms," says Matt Scott, a personal trainer at Lincoln Impact Fitness. "

Don't panic – exercise will calm you down!

We all know that regular exercise goes a long way in preventing some deadly diseases. But did you know that it can also greatly improve our mental health and emotional well-being? A new study from Southern Methodist University in Dallas and the University of Vermont in Burlington shows that people who regularly work out are less likely to suffer from anxiety disorders (such as panic attacks) and depression in general. "A severe panic attack is a frightening experience, which can happen to otherwise healthy individuals," says Matt Scott, a personal trainer at Prairie Life in Lincoln. Scott notes that nearly 19 million adult Americans suffer from some kind of anxiety disorder. "They can strike anywhere, at any time, making sufferers feel very ill," he says. "That's why it is so important to find ways to prevent these attacks from happening." The new study - as well as previous research done in this area - indicates that, in many cases, high levels o


You have just worked out and broke some sweat. Now it is time to replenish your body with a tall glass of refreshing, cold…chocolate milk.  Surprised? Don’t be! A new University of Texas study found that low-fat chocolate milk is a great post-exercise drink.  “After resistance training, it is very important to help the body recuperate,” says Matt Scott, a personal trainer at Prairie Life in Lincoln, NE. “This new research confirms that chocolate milk is excellent for this purpose because it has a good carbohydrate to protein ratio, which helps replenish energy systems, as well as repair and build more muscle than traditional sports drinks.”  This newest study comes on the heels of earlier research suggesting that ingredients in low-fat chocolate milk, such as calcium, sodium and a bit of sugar, lead to a quicker post- exercise recovery.  What if low-fat chocolate milk is not your cup of tea? If your exercise routine is especially intense, Scott says you might benefit from a post-workou

12 Tips on eating healthy during the holiday season

Being health-conscious doesn't necessarily mean that you can't enjoy the holiday season and have a little bit of what you fancy. It simply means that you should continue to be vigilant and be prepared for the festivities. There are many ways in which you can help to strike a balance between maintaining a healthy diet and joining in with the fun and festivities. 1. Exercise: Most people have a little extra time available over the holiday season when they are not at work. Take this opportunity to develop a regular exercise regime. This will help to burn off the excess calories and fat consumed over this period. It will also get you into the habit of exercising, and you can continue the regime after the holiday season is over. 2. Review your cooking methods: These days there is no excuse for not utilizing the many healthy ways in which food can be prepared. Instead of frying, grill your food. If you're roasting, use one of the many available low-calorie spray oils. Try st